Child Health Care
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Dr. Binita Gurubacharya
Consultant Pediatrics & Pediatric Gastroenterology

Dr. Anjali Bagaria (Ghiraiya)
Consultant Paediatrician

Dr. Nripesh Rajbhandari
Consultant Paediatric Surgeon

Dr. Niva Rajbhandari Shrestha
Sr .Consultant Pediatrician

Dr. Samir Shakya
Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist

Dr. Yadab Dhakal
Consultant Pediatrician

Prof. Dr. Ganesh Shah
Sr. Consultant Paediatrics

Dr. Pradeep Gupta
Consultant Paediatrician

Dr. Vivek Todi
Consultant Paediatric & Paediatric Nephrologist

Dr. Sumit Agrawal
Senior Consultant Pediatric, Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist

Dr. Manish Pokhrel
Consultant Paediatric Surgeon