Prof. Dr. Deepak Regmi
Senior Consultant ENT- Head & Neck Surgeon
Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Evening)
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Professional Journey
- Professor of the Department of ENT-HNS Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal.
- Life Member Nepal Medical Association.
- Lifetime Member of the Society of Otolaryngologists of Nepal (SOL).
- Academic Co-ordinator of the Department of ENT-HNS Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital Sinamangal.
- Member Secretary of Institutional Review Committee of Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital from 2016 till date.
- Member of Mortality Review Committee of Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital.
- Treasurer of Society of Otolaryngologists of Nepal (SOL Nepal).
- Preceptor for Post Graduate students in MS ENT under Kathmandu University.
- External examiner for MBBS at different medical colleges of Nepal appointed by Kathmandu University.
- Best Dissection Award in Temporal bone dissection course organized by TUTH in 2009.
- Demonstrator in live surgical workshop on completely Harmonic Thyroidectomy for the first time in Nepal in the Otoplasty workshop held at KMCTH in 2012.
- Awarded from Kathmandu Medical College for executing the faculty responsibility in an excellent way in 2019.
- Honoured by Tarun High School Kathmandu 5th Jan 2017
- Key speaker on childhood hearing loss in a workshop organized by SHRUTI Nepal on 25th July 2014
- Participated and completed half marathon run of the Kantipur Hero Half Marathon 2073
- MBBS- Kathmandu Medical College Teaching Hospital (KU), 2004.
- MS ENT-Head & Neck Surgery-(BPKIHS), 2010
- Participated in Hands-on Workshops as a Dissector on the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th National Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery and Head & Neck Surgery at TUTH from 2011 to 2014.
- Attended Various CME organized by the Society of Otolaryngologists of Nepal (SOL)
- Attended Teacher’s Training Workshop organized by Kathmandu Medical College in 2011.
- Attended and presented a paper on Intralesional Bleomycin in Head and Neck Lymphangioma at the SOL conference at Bharatpur Cancer Hospital in Feb 2013.
- Presented on Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal approach to Pituitary Adenoma during Society of Otolaryngologists Nepal (SOL) conference at Dhulikhel in 2015
- Attended various institutes of Kathmandu valley to perform difficultly and challenging ENT surgeries.
- Actively participated in and organized various free health camps in rural areas of Nepal.
- Attended a 10 days Training Workshop on Health Research Proposal Development & Research Management organized by Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC) from 21st Feb to March 1, 2016.
- Conducted a three-day interactive workshop on Research and Publication Ethics organized by Institutional Review Committee Kathmandu Medical College, shared experiences from NHRC training and actively participated as a trainee from 8-10 March 2016.
- Coordinator of the workshop on Research and Publication Ethics (25-27 April 2016) Kathmandu Medical College Sinamangal.
- Training on Occupational Disease Diagnosis (14-17 July 2016) Organized by the Ministry of Labour and Employment and International Labour Organization conducted for doctors and health professionals in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Resource person at a workshop on Research and Publication Ethics (5-7 Sep 2016) Kathmandu Medical College Sinamangal.
- Participated in 6th ENT Conclave 2016 on 6th August 2016 at Jaipur, India.
- Participated in ‘Training workshop on scientific writing’ organized by National Health Research Council Nepal (5-7 Feb 2017).
- Attended 8th National Conference of Society of Otolaryngologists of Nepal (SOL Nepal) Pokhara Nepal (16-18Feb 2017).
- Attended First National Conference of AHPHEN on Dec 2-4 2017 in Kathmandu.
- Participated in “An Introduction to Hospital Governance Quality Improvement and Safety Training” on Dec 14, 2017, organized by Sing Health, Singapore.
- Resource person at 15th Teachers Training Workshop at Kathmandu Medical College Sinamangal on 11-15th Dec 2017.
- Resource person in a workshop on Research and Publication Ethics organized at Kathmandu Medical College 9-11 July 2018