10 Common Medical Myths to Break

Some medical myths still continue in our society no matter how many times they are disproven, in fact they are argued as the truth. It is hard to make someone believe the actual facts specially if these facts are countering someone’s long lasted beliefs. A simple search through the famous search engine Google can reveal the actual fact behind all the fallacies.
Here are some common medical myths found in our society and all over the world as well.
1. Alzheimer’s symptoms are not a normal part of ageing:
Some memory losses are a normal part of aging. When there is no underlying medical condition causing this memory loss, it is known as “age-associated memory impairment,” which is considered a part of the normal aging process But Alzheimer’s symptoms like forgetfulness that interferes with your daily life and disorientation are not.
2. Ulcers are caused by spicy foods and stress:
- Doctors once believed that ulcers were caused by stress, lifestyle choices or spicy foods, but they now know that most ulcers are caused by the bacterium “Helicobacter Pylori”. Besides this, the long term use of nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or Ibuprofen has also been the major reason behind the ulcers.
3. Reading in dim lights ruins the eyesight:
- Staring into the multicolored tube at close range can undoubtedly make your eyes work so hard they hurt. But there is no evidence that these practices cause long-term damage. In addition, any challenging visual activity will generally decrease a person’s blink rate and lead to discomfort from drying. This is obviously temporary and easily treated with lubricating eye drops.
4. Cold weather makes you sick:
- This myth is common around the world, but it is just not true. Studies have shown we may feel more cold symptoms (real or imaginary) when we are chilled. After all, a cold is called a “cold” for a reason, but the temperature itself does not make us more susceptible to viruses. Researchers speculate that flu spread more effectively in cold conditions. Furthermore, they speculate this by saying as people stay indoors more in chilly season, interact more closely with one another and this gives germs more opportunities to spread.
5. Women cannot get pregnant during periods:
- Although it’s unlikely that a woman will conceive during menstruation, it isn’t impossible. Sperm can live inside a woman’s body for up to a week, and ovulation can occur soon after (or even during) the “bleeding” phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle. That makes it possible for a woman to become pregnant if she has sex either during her period or shortly after it ends.
6. Babies get fever when they are teething:
- This is one of those myths that every parent has heard: Babies get fevers when they teethe. But this medical myth is both false and potentially dangerous. Parents shouldn’t write off a baby’s fever as due to teething. Research has not shown a strong relationship between teething and high body temperatures, so if your tot has a fever, it might be time to visit the doctor.
7. Stress can cause cancer:
- People who are stressed tend to smoke, drink excessively, be inactive and have poor diets. But this does not make stress itself a cancer risk factor. Ironically, tobacco use, physical inactivity, excessive drinking and consumption of “comfort foods” can actually increase, rather than alleviate, stress levels.
8. High blood pressure is an elderly illness:
- No it’s not! High blood pressure is usually regarded as a silent killer. It can be years before any symptoms develop, so it’s often diagnosed at a later stage in life. This usually leads to cardiovascular disease. So, ensure regular check-ups for a healthy future.
9. Artificial sweeteners can cause cancer:
- No, researchers have found no evidence that they can cause cancer in humans. Certain ideas about how cancer starts and spreads-though scientifically wrong- can seem to make sense, especially when those ideas are rooted to old theories.
10. Hypothyroidism makes weight loss difficult:
- Obese people often quote hypothyroidism as a reason for not controlling their weight gain. As studies suggest, if your thyroid hormone dosage is appropriate, shedding weight is not a major concern.
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